Our 2024 Expert Speakers:



Interactive Roundtable Discussions:
A personalised opportunity to engage with peers facing similar challenges. Close-level collaboration and a chance to share opinions. 


Think Tanks:
Exclusive and intimate, first-come first-serve. Closed door sessions enabling open group discussion of relevant topics. 


One-to-One Business Meetings:
Efficient business meetings which can be pre-selected. A key way of meeting fellow legal operations leaders in a proven format. 


Fireside Chats:
From business intelligence to knowledge management, expect access to informal conversations between senior CX leaders. 

How To Get Your Customer To Fall In Love With You [Monzo]

We sat down with Rona Ruthen, Director of Customer Operations at Monzo to understand more about how banks today are getting their customers to fall in love with them. 

What I Wish I Knew Before Implementing My CX Strategy

Hear from the likes of Mastercard, AXA, Virgin, ING Bank & more about what they wish they knew before implementing their CX strategies.

How VoC Data Has Won NPS Boosts For Zurich Insurance

CX Network spoke to Clairy Moraitou & Monika Schulze at Zurich Insurance, to discover how the insurance brand is using customer insights to accelerate and personalise experiences. 

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Stay up to date across the CX Exchange portfolio for 2023.

CX Exchange BFSI USA: The Connection Between Customer Centricity, ROI, and the role of CXO in Financial Services

CX Exchange UK: Become A CX Chameleon: Adapting Your Approach For Changing Customer Personas

Secure Your Place at the Exchange

To ensure the CX Exchange offers the highest degree of relevancy for attendees, only senior Customer Experience Professionals responsible for CX within their organisation are invited.